Good practice from Slovakia
Nemak Slovakia within the InTech association in town Žiar and Hronom, Slovakia, established Private Secondary Technical Vocational School, using dual education.
Nemak is a leading provider of innovative lightweighting solutions for the global automotive industry, specialising in the development and manufacturing of aluminum components for powertrain and body structure applications. It has been operating in Slovakia since 2005, when the then owner of Rautenbach AG was taken over by the Teodora Nemak group. Nemak builds its future on automation, digitisation, the concept and technologies of Industry 4.0. Nemak vision is to become the leader of Industry 4.0 in Slovakia. This brings demands not only to increase the number of employees, but also to qualify them. And it is in accordance with this vision that they have been preparing a qualified staff base in a vocational school involved in the dual education system for years.
The lack of qualified high school graduates for the needs of practice is a notorious problem in Slovak industry. As not much has changed in the education system, even after years of urging employers after a major reform, a group of companies, led by the largest employer in the Žiar region, Nemak Slovakia, established the InTech association and took the training of future employees into their own hands. In 2008, they established a Private Secondary Technical Vocational School in Žiar nad Hronom. Today, it is involved in the system of dual education, and creates profiles of graduates according to the requirements of companies. Thus, qualified and enthusiastic students with their first practical experience come from the school to Nemak.
Except Nemak Slovakia, the school is working with other companies from the region, which participated on the dual education (Fagor Ederlan Slovensko,a.s., Remeslo strojal,s.r.o, Sapa Profily a.s., Slovalco, a.s., TUBAPACK, a.s., Zámočníctvo Ruckschloss Banská Štiavnica, ELBA, a.s. Kremnica, GAMAalumínium s.r.o, Continental Automotive Systems Slovakia s.r.o. Zvolen, BURGMAIER, Precision Slovakia, s.r.o.).
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