Project meetings

Meeting in Slovakia

The second project meeting of the consortium was held on July 24, 2021 in Slovakia. The hosts are our colleagues from QUALET. The purpose of the meeting was to review the status of the project so far.

First of all, the partners discussed the content and status of the Catalog “Skills and Competences for Work in Industry 4.0”. The catalog informs about the impact of new technologies on work skills and competencies. It considers a broad set of skills needed to successfully execute the transformation and also addresses technology-based use cases enabling the transformation. From both points of view, many good practices and expert opinions from Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia and also other European countries are presented. The emphasis is on core and transversal competences, but also technical, creative, social and contextual skills. Additional information will be collected according to the thematic areas related to the development and self-improvement of personal skills and competencies.

The partners decided that all the materials collected, regarding cases of use of innovative technologies, would also be described as good practices. They will bring useful information about the technologies that are being introduced or are about to be introduced to the production processes and which will inevitably influence the development and the increase in the requirements for the way of work and the necessary competencies.

The partners decided to use the prepared template for describing good practices and for the electronic database. It will enable the search for good practices according to certain parameters. Some of the good practices will also be described in our project blog, as well as shared on social media.

Wolfgang Kniejski informs that he organizes so-called innovation ecosystem matchmaking events, in which high-tech start-ups present their Industry 4.0 solutions at representatives of corporate and small and medium enterprises; this supports the direct application of innovative technologies in the relevant sectors, as well as the necessary demystification of the subject as such with knowledge sharing on training needs as one of the impacts.

All partners expressed their gratitude to the host of the meeting for the excellent organization in absolutely motivating environment.

The next meeting will be organized in 2022 in Slovenia.

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