
OndoSense realizes innovative radar sensor technology for a digitized industrial world. With IOT sensor solutions based on high-precision, robust radar technology and smart sensor software, OndoSense ensures customers get relevant data for the intelligent control and monitoring of production plants and machines. Whatever challenge their radar sensors are confronted with – be it dimension measurement, wear measurement or process automation: OndoSense sensor technology always stands for highest measuring precision and a wide application range. Even in cases where classic sensors and measuring methods are too inaccurate or fail. Their robust and compact OndoSense radar sensors are reliable even in the harshest environments.

One major application of their sensors is in logistics, and more precisely for avoiding collision between automated guided vehicle (AGVs). With the OndoSense sensor solution for reliable 3D collision avoidance, AGVs can operate with maximum reliability even in demanding environments or outdoors. The radar sensor also detects objects that protrude into the agv’s driveway from above or below and uses special radar algorithms to detect people in the safety area. The OndoSense sensor technology records the AGV with high precision, which enables a flexible adjustment of the safety zone. This reduces the travel distance and increases productivity.

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